Simson Maxwell

ESG Clean Energy |
Carbon Capture Technology

ESG Clean Energy |
Carbon Capture Technology

Simson-Maxwell, through, Viking Energy Group, Inc. is a party to an Intellectual Property License Agreement with ESG Clean Energy, LLC (“ESG”) regarding ESG’s patent rights and know-how related to stationary electric power generation, including methods to utilize heat and capture carbon dioxide (the “ESG Clean Energy System”). The license agreement is exclusive for all of Canada (unlimited number of systems), and non-exclusive for up to twenty-five locations in the United States.

The ESG Clean Energy System is designed to generate clean electricity from internal combustion engines and utilize waste heat to capture ⁓ 100% of the carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted from the engine without loss of efficiency, and in a manner to facilitate the production of precious commodities (e.g. distilled/ de-ionized water; UREA (NH4); ammonia (NH3); ethanol; and methanol) for sale.

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ESG Clean Energy | Carbon Capture Technology

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